WHAT WE'VE BEEN UP TO We’ve been busy developing and confirming a new slate of courses for the Autumn (more on those soon hopefully!) and trying to see as many of our mentees, trainees and juniors as possible. We’ve also had some great catch ups with senior freelancers and HoDs – seeing people over the summer has been one of the very few glimmers of silver lining amidst the current strike situation. From all of these meetings, we are acutely aware of how challenging this shutdown is. We will continue hosting our networking events online and in real life as often as we can - our community is important and the core of everything we do. We are always mindful of that and very keen to support the people we work alongside. Coming onto a zoom call for an hour to say hello to friends, new and old, can really help – so if you would like to join, please do come along to the next one.

TRAINING COSTS - BURSARIES All of our sessions and courses are eligible for bursaries from ScreenSkills. If your application is successful, it will cover up to 80% of the course costs and travel and accommodation from outside London. Please bear in mind that the application process takes up to 4 weeks (sometimes longer) and we will need your payment prior to the course delivery. TOP TIP More of a call to action this month and a chance to change and shape the industry we work in. And work hard for. There are two online documents circulating that you will have seen on social media but everyone should be aware of:
the petition to government to create an income support scheme for freelancers affected by the strikes
the requested input for the government inquiry examining the challenges faced by UK feature film and HETV drama. They are looking at what needs to be done to maintain and enhance the UK as a global production destination and how the independent sector can be better supported. You can submit evidence until the 19th September.
Opportunities for freelancers to be heard are rare – so when we have the chance to use our voice, we need to do so…..please use the links above to add your thoughts. THINGS WE HAVE BEEN ENJOYING
The Christmas episode of The Bear (S2) was unquestionably one of the most stressful but incredible pieces of television drama ever produced. Will be hard to top that one….(although The Morning Show is back in September…..!)
Summer reading…..reading feels different in the summer doesn’t it? Maybe because we make/have time….although the pile of guilt inducing books to read hasn’t diminished….let us know what we should be adding to it though!
The Film and TV Charity has released more funding for those facing financial hardship. Please make use of these grants if you need them. There are also lots of financial resources available on their site.
INDUSTRY SESSIONS NETWORKING ZOOM FOR ALL - Tuesday 5th September 7:00-8:00pm Come and say hello and stay connected. Register here ART DEPARTMENT BREAKDOWN - BLADE RUNNER 2049 - 9th Sept 10:00-11:30 Rod McLean, one of the UK’s most established and experienced Art Directors, will look at how the Art Department, Props, Set Decorating, Lighting, SFX, Vehicles, Stunts and Construction all worked together to create a set and environment that worked for all of these departments and enabled them to achieve what was scripted. Via Zoom. Cost £50+vat All details and how to apply here GRAPHICS for FILM - Saturday 16th September 10:00 – 11:30 zoom Annie Atkins is a Dublin-based graphic designer for the film industry who has created graphic props and set-pieces for multiple Oscar-winning-and-nominated films. Her credits include the animated feature The Boxtrolls, Stephen Spielberg’s Bridge of Spies and West Side Story, and Wes Anderson’s Isle of Dogs, French Dispatch, and The Grand Budapest Hotel – the latter went on to win the Academy Award for Best Production Design. Cost £50+vat. Full details and how to apply here
COURSES & WORKSHOPS OVERVIEW OF THE ART DEPARTMENT - 7th September 10:00-12:30 Zoom Perfect for graduates and New Entrants, this 2 hour session examines all the different job roles and art department teams, how they work together and what you need to succeed in them. We also discuss CVs, portfolios and who to call for work and when. It is full of advice for anyone starting out or wanting more information. Cost £75+vat All details and how to apply here INTRODUCTION TO SET DECORATING - 28th September 10:00-12:30 Zoom Are you looking to work in the Set Decorating team on features and HETV dramas? Or would you like to know more about it before you decide where you are best suited? This Introduction to Set Decorating session will help answer your questions. Perfect for graduates and New Entrants. Cost £75+vat. All details and how to apply here ONE TO ONE CAREER SESSIONS - BOOK A SLOT “These sessions are like a secret guidebook – all the stuff that you need to know but no-one ever tells you.” This one hour session looks at where you want to be in the film and television drama industries and what you need to do to get there. We look at your CV to make sure it is industry focussed and then identify who you need to get it to and when. Cost £125+vat. All details and how to apply here