And suddenly we are almost at the festive season….that has gone quickly…but not there yet, still lots to be getting on with. More studios are being announced, more productions ramping up and nowhere near enough crew! So lots to be doing and we have been busy…
WELLBEING FOR THE ART DEPARTMENT – Thursday 9th December 20:00-21:30 This Industry Session is part of the 2021-2022 programme supported by ScreenSkills as part of the BFI Future Film Skills programme using funds from the National Lottery.
We have been made aware of the heavy toll productions have had on people’s mental health and well-being. So, we are running this session for art department practitioners who are looking to learn how to prioritise and maintain wellbeing for the Team, how to maintain energy levels and come back in the New Year feeling rejuvenated.
This free Session will be led by Solas Mind psychotherapist Sarah McCaffrey who offers mental health support, counselling and training to those working in film and media.Full details and application criteria on our website here
We have been running two great programmes for art directing – one on using Sketchup with Luke Whitelockand one for Supervising Art Directors with Patrick Rolfe. Participants on both have noted how ‘extremely useful’, ‘informative and inspirational’ they have been.

Luke Whitelock

Patrick Rolfe
We also ran a hugely informative and positive session with Filmbase, looking at more flexible approaches to working on productions. Huge thanks to Phil Sims, Kathy Heaser, Heather Pollington, Corina Floyd and Dom Capon who all shared their experiences of either working flexibly, job sharing or employing those who choose to work in a more flexible way. At a time when working hours, job conditions and work/life balance are being regularly discussed, it was reassuring to hear how different approaches are being implemented with positive effect. More on this next year!
We have just completed the final round of the Mentoring Network and were delighted to finally meet all the mentees we have been working with on Zoom. Cocktails were consumed, contact details exchanged and most importantly all the networking skills they learned were put into use. Very successfully!
We will launch a new round of the Mentoring Network in 2022, with the first focus being on those who are already established in the industry – mentoring is equally important for people moving up as it is for those coming in. Contact if you would like to register interest.
The BFI skills review – this extensive review of the industry is highlighting where the crisis points and opportunities are and identifying what needs to be done, short and long term. The work will be published next year as part of the review of the 5year Film Skills Strategy. Helen will be on a panel discussing the work so far at the TLG Focus Conference in London, 7th December. Come and say hello if you are there! Free to register and lots of interesting panel discussions on global production.
Lebkuchen – these are going to be a regular fixture now that we are in December….too good….
Succession – just as we wondered if the story was slowing down, the party episode hooked us back in. Heartbreakingly good.